In May 2022, a group of individuals from around the world came together with a common goal: to fight back against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This group, known as the North Atlantic Fella Organization (NAFO), was a decentralized online activist network that focused on countering pro-Kremlin propaganda on Twitter. Using cartoon Shiba Inu avatars, NAFO members used memes to disrupt Moscow’s propaganda efforts.
However, in November 2022, the platform was taken over by Elon Musk and renamed X, giving Russian propagandists free reign to spread their messages. Despite this setback, NAFO members continued to push back by posting memes in response to Russian accounts. But they knew they needed to do more to make a difference in the war.
Over the past two years, NAFO has raised millions of dollars to support Ukrainian frontline forces. This funding has gone towards weapons, ammunition, medical equipment, and vehicles, many of which bear the NAFO logo. One notable item funded by NAFO is a $250,000 marine drone called “Raccoon’s Revenge,” which was used to take out a Russian warship. The group has also provided thousands of drones to Ukrainian forces, which have become a crucial weapon in pushing back Russian forces.
According to Oleksandr Sokolenko, a commander in the 79th Air Assault Brigade, NAFO’s efforts are vital in the fight against Russia. Sokolenko, who previously worked as an actor, joined the Ukrainian military when the war broke out and now leads the drone unit in his brigade. He first heard about NAFO’s work from a friend in the army and believes that their support is crucial to their chances of winning the war.
While it’s difficult to determine the exact number of NAFO members due to its decentralized structure, one member estimates that there are thousands involved in the movement. Despite the challenges they face, NAFO remains committed to their cause and continues to raise funds and support for Ukrainian forces.